Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I Need Two of Me!

I have been working like a mad man...pardon me, that should say "mad woman"...trying to get everything on the go. There have been set backs in planting has there have been frost warnings for the last 3 days. Though other parts of the city have been hit, for some reason my street has been left untouched. I am hoping it doesn't hit at all as last year we had such a heavy frost that the fruit trees did not have any blossoms. No apples for me...sigh.

Yesterday, I nearly completed the bog I was working on. It is actually taking shape. However...due to a over active pup who loves to run up and say "Hello" by jumping...I landed in it...face first. I can laugh now because I realize I must have looked a sight...mud and wet peat moss covering me! Swamp Thing returns...LOL. And for those who ever wondered, peat moss is NOT very tasty! But as my mom used to tell me, "You have to eat a peck of dirt before you die." I, so far, have eaten I think a bushel...LOL But as the picture included here will attest, I am not the only one Cala Lily terrorizes...poor Mystic is so patient! Happy Gardening day to all...just watch your backs! LOL

1 comment:

Laura said...

Your puppy is so cute! It looks like a yellow lab- I just had mine put to sleep in February (he was almost 13 years old). They are really great dogs!